Build Season is Here!

Our weekly build schedule is as follows: Monday OFF Tuesday 6:30-9:00pm GHS Woodshop Wednesday 6:30-9:00pm GHS Woodshop Thursday 6:30-9:00pm GHS Woodshop Friday 6:30-9:00pm GHS Woodshop Saturday 9:00am-5:pm GHS Woodshop (Approximate) Sunday 9:00am-5:pm GHS Woodshop (Approximate) You DO NOT need to attend every session. School work is priority one!

We love home cooking

For many years, the PowerKnights have survived on awesome home cooking by our generous parents on the weekends. We hope you’ll help us continue this fine tradition by cooking for us during build season! Meal Sign-ups at:

December All Team Meeting

The Last All Team Meeting of 2016. Are you ready? December 14th. Dyn. 7pm. Be there, or be absent.  We’ll be going over BoB, WIST and the Christmas Parade. We’ll be doing team elections, discussing kickoff, the raffle calendar, and other business. All Parents and Students should be present for this meeting. We will be […]

November All-Team Meeting

BRACE YOURSELVES. BUILD SEASON IS COMING. Please join us for our November All-Team meeting on Wednesday, 11/9 at 7:00pm at Dyn. If you haven’t been before, please bring a parent or guardian. If you know someone who is interested in science, technology, engineering or math, bring them along.   We’ll be going over RiverRage and discussing […]

Jeff Brown Image

Weekly Project Days

We’re meeting every Tuesday and Thursday to work on projects! WHERE: Goffstown High School Woodshop WHEN: 6:30-9:00pm Tuesdays and Thursdays   As we approach build season, we’ll be preparing the shop, tearing down old robots and organizing our areas.

UNH District Results

We completed the UNH district event ranked 20. We were picked by CHAOS 131 from Central HS in Manchester, NH for the #3 seeded alliance along with 1831 Screaming Eagles. . We were eliminated in the Semifinals, finishing 4th, after we got stuck, were flipped over, broke several mechanisms, but came back to scale the […]